why do we need constitution? any 3 reasons.
give a short summary of french revolution?
What are the main features of democracy ? ( 5 points )
write a 10 points on demerits of democracy? (in short)
write a short note on green revolution.
what are merits and demerits of green revolution?
write the main features of the constitution of 1791?
why is india called a subcontinent?????
Name the countries constituting the Indian Subcontinent.
What is veto power? Name the five countries which have the veto power in Security Council?
five difference between coverging and diverging tectonic plates
difference between eastern and western ghats
what are the causes of deforestation in india?
List different forest products.
why do we need constitution? any 3 reasons.
give a short summary of french revolution?
What are the main features of democracy ? ( 5 points )
write a 10 points on demerits of democracy? (in short)
write a short note on green revolution.
what are merits and demerits of green revolution?
write the main features of the constitution of 1791?
why is india called a subcontinent?????
Name the countries constituting the Indian Subcontinent.
What is veto power? Name the five countries which have the veto power in Security Council?
five difference between coverging and diverging tectonic plates
difference between eastern and western ghats
what are the causes of deforestation in india?
List different forest products.