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Board Paper of Class 12-Science 2019 English Delhi(Set 2) - Solutions

General Instructions:

(i) This paper is divided into three Section: A, B and C. All the sections are compulsory.

(ii) Separate instructions are given with each section and question, wherever necessary. Read these instructions very carefully and follow them faithfully.

(iii) Do not exceed the prescribed word limit while answering the questions.

  • Question 1
    Read the passage given below:

    1. All of Earth's oceans share one thing in common: plastic pollution. Discarded plastic bags, cups, and bottles make their way into the sea. Today, it seems that no part of the ocean is safe from plastic trash. In recent years, oceanographers have searched in vain for a pristine marine environment. They have found plastic everywhere they have looked. " It is a common global problem, we can't point to a single habitat or location with no plastic."

    2. Plastic harms wildlife and introduces dangerous chemicals into marine ecosystems​ −communities of organisms interacting with their surroundings. Once plastic enters the environment, it lasts a long time. Scientists are working to prevent plastic pollution from entering the sea.

    3. When people litter, or when trash is not properly disposed of, things like plastic bags, bottles, straws, foam beverage cups get carried to the sea by winds and waterways. About 80 percent of ocean plastic originates on land. The rest comes from marine industries such as shipping and fishing.

    4. In 2015, engineer Jenna Jambeck at the University of Georgia and other researchers calculated that at least 8 million tons of plastic trash is swept into the ocean from coasts every year. That's the equivalent of a full garbage truck of plastic being dumped into the sea every minute. If current trends in plastic production and disposal continue, that figure will double by 2025. A report published by the World Economic Forum last year predicts that by 2050, ocean plastic will outweigh all the fish in the sea.

    5. In today's world, plastic is everywhere. It's found in shoes, clothing, household items, electronics, and more. There are different types of plastics, but one thing they all have in common is that they're made of polymers ​− large molecules made up of repeating units. Their chemical structure gives them a lot of advantages : they're cheap and easy to manufacture, lightweight, water-resistant, durable, and can be moulded into nearly any shape.

    6. Unfortunately, some of the properties that make plastics great for consumer goods also make them a problem pollutant. Plastic's durability comes in part from the fact that unlike paper or wood, it doesn't biodegrade, or break down naturally. Instead it just fragments, or breaks into tiny pieces over time. These tiny pieces, known as microplastic, can potentially stick around for hundreds or perhaps even thousands of years.

    7. Another problem with plastics is the other chemicals they contain, like dyes and flame retardants. When plastic isn't disposed of properly, these additives end up in the environment. Plastic also tends to absorb harmful chemicals from its surroundings. "It's like a sponge for persistent organic pollutants". These long-lasting, toxic substances include pesticides and industrial chemicals. If plastic absorbs the chemicals, and marine organisms eat the plastic, they may be exposed to higher concentrations of these contaminants.

    8. One of the biggest impacts of plastic pollution is its effect on sea life. Seals, sea turtles, and even whales can become entangled in plastic netting. They can starve to death if the plastic restricts their ability to move or eat. Or the plastic can cut into the animals' skin, causing wounds that develop severe infections.

    9. Sea turtles eat plastic bags and soda-can rings, which resemble jellyfish, their favourite food. Seabirds eat bottle caps or chunks of foam cups. Plastic pieces may make an animal feel full, so it doesn't eat enough real food to get the nutrients it needs. Plastic can also block an animal's digestive system, making it unable to eat.

    10. Plastic and its associated pollutants can even make it into our own food supply. Scientists recently examined fish and shell-fish bought at markets in California and Indonesia. They found plastic in the guts of more than a quarter of samples purchased at both locations. In organisms that people eat whole, such as sardines and oysters, that means we're eating plastic too. In larger fish, chemicals from plastic may seep into their muscles and other tissues that people consume.

    11. One way to keep the ocean cleaner and healthier is through cleanup efforts. A lot of plastic waste caught in ocean currents eventually washes up on beaches. Removing it can prevent it from blowing out to sea again. Beach clean-up is ocean clean-up.

    12. Cleanup efforts can't reach every corner of the ocean or track down every bit of microplastic. That means it's critical to cut down on the amount of plastic that reaches the sea in the first place. Scientists are working toward new materials that are safer for the environment. For example, Jambeck and her colleagues are currently testing a new polymer that breaks down more easily in seawater.

    13. "Individual actions make a big difference," says Jambeck. Disposing of plastic properly for recycling or trash collection is a key step. "And simple things like reusable water bottles, mugs, and bags really cut down on waste," she says. Skipping straws or using paper ones helps too. Ocean pollution can seem overwhelming, but it's something everyone can help address. This is a problem we can really do something about.

    1.1 On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, answer each of the questions given below by choosing the most appropriate option:

    (i) Percentage of ocean plastic that originates from land is:
          (a) 20%            (b) 50%
          (c) 80%            (d) 25%

    (ii) In which year did Jenna Jambeck and others researchers calculate that at least 8 million tons of plastic trash is swept into ocean every year?
          (a) 2018            (b) 2015
          (c) 2005            (d) 2010

    (iii) Plastic is not biodegradable because it is made up of:
          (a) low atomic particles
          (b) tiny particles
          (c) strong big particles
          (d) large molecule polymers

    (iv) Sea turtles eat:
          (a) plastic bottles
          (b) plastic bags and soda-can rings,
          (c) bottle caps
          (d) chunks of foam cups

    (v) Scientists bought fish and shell-fish for examination at markets in:
          (a) China and Russia
          (b) Pakistan and Afghanistan
          (c) California and Indonesia
          (d)Australia and Brazil

    1.2 Answer the following questions briefly:

    (i) Which articles made of plastic generally cause pollution in the sea?
    (ii) How does plastic in oceans harm marine ecosystems?
    (iii) How is microplastic formed?
    (iv) Why is plastic compared to a sponge?
    (v) What is the biggest impact of plastic pollution on sea life?
    (vi) How are scientists trying to reduce the plastic pollutants?

    1.3 Answer any three of the following questions in 25-30 words each:

    (i) How does plastic waste enter the oceans?
    (ii) How is it true to say that plastic is everywhere in today's world?
    (iii) Which property of plastic makes it a problem pollutant?
    (iv) What has scientists Jambeck suggested for having cleaner and healthier ocean?

    1.4 Pick out the words/phrases from the passage which are similar in meaning to the following:

    ​(i) dropped/thrown (para 2)
    (ii) unluckily (para 6)
    (iii) look like (para 9) VIEW SOLUTION

  • Question 2
    Read the passage given below:

    1. Getting enough sleep is as important as taking time out to relax.  A good night's sleep is essential for preserving the health of your brain and gives you the best chance to meet the coming day with a razor sharp mind.  An average person needs about six to eight hour sleep a night - although it is also true that you need slightly less than this,  as you grow older-another advantage of aging stress and sleep deprivation often feed on each other, since stress tends to make it harder for you to fall asleep at night and sleep deprivation in itself causes stress.

    2. Eventually, too little sleep can dramatically interfere with the performance of your memory - something you obviously went to prevent. if you are not getting enough sleep, try going to bed 30 to 60 minutes earlier than your normal bed time for a few days. Lie down on the bed and try to relax by dissociating yourself from your daily routine work. This is normally enough to catch up on any sleep deprivation.

    3. If, however, you suffer from insomnia you should seek the advice of your doctor,  The chances are it is already affecting your ability to remember recall information - and if you are struggling to improve your memory scores, this could be at the root of your problem. Prolonged periods of insufficient sleep can deplete your immune system, make you more accident prone and even cause depression - this can also reinforce a more negative outlook on life, which can contribute to your stress burden. The good news is that your memory and mood should automatically improve once you improve your sleep patterns. Tackle your sleep issues and everything else should fall into place.

    4. Because stress management is so essential to maximize your brain, power, if you are not in the habit of setting aside time to relax, make it a priority to do so. Even a minute or two of deep breathing can start to work wonders. Often the best ideas and memories can come to you when you are in a state of relaxation as it is during these moments that your brain stores, processes and plays with the information it has received.  

    5. Meditation has long been part of religious and spiritual life, specially in Asia. Today, more and more people are adopting it in Western countries also, for its value in developing peace of mind and lowering stress. There is some evidence that regular meditation can have real sleep gain and health benefits particularly in terms of protecting your brain against aging.

    2.1 On the basis of your understanding of the above passage, make notes on it using headings and subheadings. Use recognizable abbreviations (wherever necessary - minimum four) and a format you consider suitable. Also supply an appropriate title to it.

    2.2 Write a summary of the above passage in about 100 words. VIEW SOLUTION

  • Question 3
    You are Principal of National Public School, Jaipur. You require a TGT (Maths) for your school. Draft a suitable advertisement in not more than 50 words for the 'Situations Vacant' column of 'The National Times' stating essential and desirable qualifications, experience etc of the candidates.​
    Arts Club of your school is going to organize a drawing and painting competition. Write a notice in not more than 50 words, to be displayed on the school notice board, inviting students to participate in it. Give all the necessary details. You are Rishab/Ridhima, Secretary, Arts club, Sunrise Public School, Gurugram, Haryana. VIEW SOLUTION

  • Question 4
    You have realized the necessity of education and financial independence of women for their family, society and in turn for the nation. Write a letter to the Editor, "The National Times" highlighting your ideas on the importance of education of women leading to a better status for them. You are Tarun/Taruna, B-7/9, Mall Road, Delhi.
    (100-125 words)

    You bought a refrigerator two months ago from Mohan Sales, Ashok Vihar, Bangalore. It has developed certain problems regarding its functioning. Cooling has stopped and it is making a lot of noise. Write a letter of complaint to the Manager asking him for immediate repair/replacement of the same. You are Sachin/Shashi,61 Pratap Enclave, Bangalore. (100-125 words) VIEW SOLUTION

  • Question 5
    Write a debate in 150–200 words either for or against the motion : Indulgence of the youth in the use of the Internet is a great bane for them.

    Outdoor exercise or morning and evening walk during winter months has become difficult in the polluted atmosphere of the metropolitan cities. In such a situation indoor (team) games have become very important. Write a speech in 150-200 words persuading your students to make more use of facilities for basketball, badminton etc available in your school. You are Principal of your school. VIEW SOLUTION

  • Question 6
    Hard work and punctuality are essential for a happy and successful life. They help in meeting the desired targets of our life. You are kavya/kanha. Write an article in 150 - 200 words highlighting the importance of hard work and punctuality in a student's life.

    In your locality a blood donation camp was organized by an NGO - 'For Your Heath'. Many people visited the camp and donated blood. Write a report in 150 - 200 words for a local newspaper covering the arrangements, doctors' team, refreshment served etc.

  • Question 7
    Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:
    I looked again at her, wan, pale
    as a late winter’s moon and felt that old
    familiar ache, my childhood’s fear,
    but all I said was, see you soon, Amma,
    all I did was smile and smile and smile ...

    (i) Name the poet and the poem.
    (ii) What was the poet’s childhood fear?
    (iii) What is the poetic device used in lines 1-2?
    (iv) Explain : ‘late winter’s moon’.

    ...... The stunted, unlucky heir
    Of twisted bones, reciting a father’s gnarled disease,
    His lesson, from his desk. At back of the dim class
    One unnoted, sweet and young. His eyes live in a dream,
    Of squirrel’s game, in tree room, other than this.

    (i) Who is the unlucky heir?
    (ii) What has he inherited?
    (iii) Who is sitting at the back of the dim class?
    (iv) How is he different from rest of the class? VIEW SOLUTION

  • Question 8
    Answer any four of the following questions in 30 – 40 words each :

    (i) Why did the village elders occupy the back benches in the classroom to attend the last lesson delivered by M. Hamel?

    (ii) Why did William Douglas choose Y.M.C.A. pool when he decided to learn to swim?

    (iii) What did Gandhiji do about the social and cultural upliftment of the Champaran villages?

    (iv) What great miracle did the ten-day-old Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur perform ? How did it affect the people who listened to him?

    (v) How did Dr. Sadao perform his duty as a patriotic Japanese?

    (vi) How can we say that Jack is a dominant male? VIEW SOLUTION

  • Question 9
    Answer any one of the following in 120 150 words :

    (i) What are the hazards of working in a glass bangle industry?

    (ii) What made the peddler finally change his ways?

    (iii) What was Sophie’s dream? How was it unrealistic? How was she different from Jansie?


  • Question 10
    Answer any one of the following in 120 – 150 words :
    (i) Derry and Mr. Lamb both are victims of physical impairment, but their attitudes towards life are completely different. Elaborate.
    (ii) Write a character sketch of the Governor of Oxford Prison based on the story, 'Evans Tries an O-Level’.
    (iii) Why did Bama stroll in the market place instead of hurrying back home? Describe the sights she enjoyed seeing there. VIEW SOLUTION

  • Question 11
    Answer any one of the following question in 120-150 words :

    (i) Why Was Mrs. Hall happy to have a guest at 'Coach and Horses' Inn? How did the stranger behave at the inn?

    (ii) Describe Mr. Marvel's meeting with the mariner at Port Stowe. What kind of person was the mariner?

    (iii) How did Dunstan Cass meet his end?

    (iv) Describe the circumstances under which Silas Marner had to leave Lantern Yard.


  • Question 12
    Answer any one of the following questions in 120-150 words:

    (i) How does the novel, 'The Invisible Man' highlight the theme of corruption of morals in the absence of social restrictions?

    (ii) Compare and contrast Griffin (the invisible man) and Dr. Kemp as scientists and also as members of society.

    (iii) George Eliot has portrayed Godfrey as a morally weak character. Comment.

    (iv) In 'Silas Marner', describe the role of Dolly Winthrop.

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