Shortcut to Succeeding in Board Exams
Oops! Result not found! If you came here looking for shortcuts for higher marks in exams, you are unlikely to find useful or effective solutions anywhere. As there are, in fact, no plausible shortcuts to any decent job that needs to be well done. BUT WAIT! Before you leave this page and continue your search, let us tell you what we do aim to give you in the form of shortcuts. There are several tips and guidelines that, even without shortcuts, will prepare you well for for a successful Board examination.
These tips or so-called guidelines, again, are not a list you can follow and become an achiever overnight. These are things you need to imbibe in your life, your routine and your mind, so that you are prepared not just for your examinations, but for your further academic life as well.
1. Study Smart
While many of your friends or classmates would be learning and cramming away to glory, you can, instead, come up with several study tips that make life comfortable. Some of these ideas are:
a. Placards or cue cards: These are small yet effective tools to make you learn and revise well. You could jot down answers to certain sets of questions and other cues that you require to memorize a lengthy answer.
b. Read out loud: This helps your mind information faster and better. Using as many of your senses to study memory retention.
c. Take gaps between studying: Since your brain takes a bit of time to process the information you have just studied and settle it for further reference, you should take time off from the particular topic or subject. This way, your mind will be eager to revisit the knowledge, and make you study better.
d. Act as if you're teaching a class: This trick works in many ways. Not only do you revise things you just learnt, but doubts that were left out can be taken up again when you speak your answers and concepts aloud.
2. Know that you deserve a break
Do not start treating your Board exam prep like a punishment. Enjoy it. No, not in the sense you thought we meant, but feel glad you can stretch your preparations across several days, instead of a few hours. Once you start doing this, make sure that you do not become tardy. Give your prep time your all and when you know you need a break, do something fun, like a jog, or a phone chat with your friends. This little break will inspire you to study without losing your mind.
3. Consult recommended sample papers
For subjects like Mathematics and the Sciences, you can consult or take the assistance of sample papers that are available for Board students. These are effective tools for revision and finding out what all topics do you need more prep.
4. Carry a watch with you when you solve the sample papers
Time management is really necessary for every kind of Board exam preparation. This helps you calculate the time you will actually take in the exam, if a certain kind of question paper is set. Also, keeping a note of time will help you note your comfort in answering a certain number of questions in a regulated amount of time.
5. Avoid unwanted anxiety and negative thinking
This is not a specific guideline. Nor is it a step you can follow. This is a suggestion that will probably improve your entire mindset before the Boards. Ever heard people say that the kind of thoughts that you have influences actual occurrences around you. The more anxious and negative you get about the oncoming Board exams, the more you are bound to suffer in the hands of underconfidence. Deal with your anxieties beforehand. Prepare without any tardiness and you will boost your confidence automatically. Also, talk regularly to people who, you think, will be able to give you sound advice about dealing with prep. The more you take on the idea of Board exams on a positive note, the easier and better you will find your exam prep...
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