6 Tips on Completing Your Board Exam On Time
Well, Board exams are near and there is no looking back. There is a feeling of being a significant creature right now, with all the attention you might be getting. Parents shifting their routines to accommodate yours, lots of friends and relatives wishing you good luck over the phone and online and your own set of preparation increasing as the exams get closer.
For those of you who face these exams for the first time, i.e., all you class 10 students… You must feel the excitement more. Well, excitement.. Not so much.. They are exams after all. Thrill? Umm..Maybe.. Anxiety? Definitely! What all are these feelings about? Whether you will know all that is asked in the papers? Whether you'll score well? Or whether you'll be able to finish the three-hour long paper comfortably. If you feel any concerns about the last one, you are on the right page, as we bring to you some highly effective yet easy to understand tips to complete all your exams, theory and practical ones, in time. Follow as many instructions as you can manage to, and you will be able to not just finish all your work in time but also be satisfied with the way you perform.
1. Do not waste time outside the exam hall
We all know the importance of last minute glances at notes right before entering the hall. But while you were doing that, time to settle yourself in your seat and composing yourself for the paper is running out. And before you know, you will be handed the question paper. Instead, take as little time as possible outside the hall so that you are ready to pay attention to the paper when needed.
2. Write details properly on the answer sheet
The answer sheet that requires you to write your details becomes your identity in a particular exam. When it comes to Board exams, there are even more detailed things that you need to fill in the sheet. Make sure you do not take the easy way out and leave out details for the end because before you know, you will skipped details that were important. Fill in while you have time.
3. READ the paper carefully
Once you get the sheet full of questions in your hands, go through it from start till end like its your favorite comic. No, don't get it wrong. What we mean is, read every question and parts of questions in detail. Once you know what you are facing, the hurdles becomes easier.
4. Start with questions that require more time/creativity
When you have just started writing the paper, your mind is relatively fresh and thoughts come easier to you. In such a case, it is better if you complete portions that you feel require more time. It is important that easier and shorter questions can be left for later, where, even in case of a time crunch, you are able to finish your work.
5. Pay attention to the legibility of your hand writing
‘You get extra marks for handwriting!' Isn't that what a lot of your seniors and older friends told you? While this is not completely true, getting that required neatness and legibility in your work will naturally work in your favor. Even if you are not able to go ‘designer' with your writing style, avoid making silly mistakes in your language or making repeated cancellations of what you write. Maintaining a steady flow of thought will help you write well too.
6. Revise.
Keep this in mind. Don't underestimate the power of revision. If you have enough time at the end of the entire exam, make sure you revise what you have written and check for careless mistakes or requirements for additions. If there is not enough time, make an effort to check after every answer. Trust us, you will be glad you did, later.
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