NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science
NCERT Solutions are considered an extremely helpful resource for exam preparation. gives its users access to a profuse supply of NCERT questions and their solutions. CBSE Class 6 Science NCERT Solutions are created by experts of the subject, hence, sure to prepare students to score well. The questions provided in NCERT Books are prepared in accordance with CBSE, thus holding higher chances of appearing on CBSE question papers. Not only do these NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science strengthen students’ foundation in the subject, but also give them the ability to tackle different types of questions easily.
Our Class 6 Science textbook solutions give students an advantage with practical questions. These textbook solutions help students in exams as well as their daily homework routine. The solutions included are easy to understand, and each step in the solution is described to match the students’ understanding.
Science - NCERT Solutions for class 6
- NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 1 - Food - Where Does It Come From
Science NCERT Grade 6, Chapter 1, Food: Where Does It Come From? deals with the basic concepts that a student would require to gain knowledge about food, its variety, and how plants and animals act as a source of food. This chapter classifies animals based on their feeding habits into -
- herbivores
- carnivores
- omnivores
The examples of the above categories of animals are also included in the chapter. The term ingredient is mentioned in the chapter, Food: Where Does It Come From? The chapter lists some food items, the ingredients involved in it and their sources. The edible parts of plants are also mentioned.Each section is supplemented with numerous definitions, examples, activities, and images which makes it more engaging. The chapter, Food: Where Does It Come From? ends with a summary along with a set of exercises, suggested project and activities mentioned at the end of the chapter to test the conceptual understanding.
- NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 2 - Components of Food
NCERT Science Grade 6, Chapter 2, Components of Food is a continuation of the previous chapter with details on important concepts like nutrients and its importance to the human body. This chapter also focuses on topics like a balanced diet, obesity, deficiency diseases and disorders. The chapter, Components of Food also include the preparation of a solution of iodine, caustic soda and copper sulphate. The process involved in testing the presence of starch, protein and fats in different food items is explained with the help of activities. Importance of various nutrients for the human body is discussed in detail in the chapter, Components of Food.
Substantiated with ample activities and exercises, it further enhances the hold on the topic. The chapter is made interactive by means of examples, images and activities. By the end of the chapter, Components of Food there is a summary of the above topics along with a set of knowledge boosting exercises. - NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 3 - Fibre to Fabric
Science NCERT, Grade 6, Chapter 3, Fibre to Fabric is all about fibre, its varieties and how a fibre gets converted into fabric. The classification of fibres into natural fibres and artificial fibres is included in the chapter, Fibre to Fabric. Different types of fibres like cotton and jute are discussed in the chapter. Apart from this, the fabrics like silk, wool and synthetics are covered with a detailed explanation consisting of examples, activities and images. The processes like weaving, spinning and knitting also find mention in the chapter, Fibre to Fabric. The entire chapter is summarized at the end with a focus on important points. A set of exercise follows the summary so as to test the understanding of the chapter consisting of questions such as true or false, fill in the blanks and descriptive type questions.
- NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 4 - Sorting Materials Into Groups
Science NCERT Grade 6, Chapter 4, Sorting Materials into Groups talks about a wide variety of objects which surrounds us ranging from salt to bicycle.
Ample examples related to objects made of different materials are discussed along with properties of such materials like hardness, solubility, ductility, roughness and lustre. Terms like transparent, translucent and opaque are also mentioned in the chapter. The entire chapter, Sorting Materials into Groups is enriched with a number of activities, images and examples making it more interactive. Important points are mentioned at the end of the chapter in the form of a summary which is followed by a set of exercises consisting of 7 questions in the form of the match the columns, true or false, one-word answer etc. - NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 5 - Separation of Substances
Science NCERT Grade 6, Chapter 5, Separation of Substances gives an insight into different mixtures of substances and ways and methods to separate them. It covers processes ranging from simpler ones like handpicking, sieving, threshing, winnowing, churning to complex ones like evaporation, condensation, decantation, filtration and sedimentation. The concept of a saturated solution is also explained with the help of suitable examples.
The chapter, Separation of Substances is enriched with multiple examples, activities and images thereby making it more engaging.
A summary along with a set of 10 questions is covered at the end of the chapter, Separation of Substances. - NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 6 - Changes Around Us
NCERT Science Grade 6, Chapter 6, Changes Around Us talks about changes around us and focuses on the concept of reversible and irreversible changes. The reversible and irreversible changes are explained with the help of examples and activities which makes the chapter, Changes Around Us interesting and helps to build the analytical and reasoning abilities. The examples used are from daily life which makes it easier for the students to connect with. This chapter also describes the different methods to bring about change.
With numerous activities, examples and exercises, it clears the concepts of contraction, evaporation, melting and expansion. The important points are summarised by the end of the chapter, Changes Around Us followed by a set of exercise consisting of seven different questions. - NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 7 - Getting to Know Plants
Science NCERT Grade 6, Chapter 7, Getting To Know Plants familiarizes the students with different kinds of plants and helps in examining them closely with the help of a variety of examples. Classification of plants into herbs, shrubs and trees is well explained in the chapter, Getting To Know Plants along with a detailed explanation on different parts of the plants such as stem, leaf and flower. Each concept includes a number of associated activities and suitable examples. The chapter, Getting To Know Plants is summarized at the end and a check on understanding is made by providing a set of exercises consisting of 13 questions.
- NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 8 - Body Movements
Science NCERT Grade 6, Chapter 8, Body Movements explains in detail different parts of the human body and the movements they carry out in sync with each other. Parts like joints, bones and muscles along with movements associated with them are taken up comprehensively in the chapter, Body Movements. The use of well-labelled diagrams and images makes the chapter interesting and easier to understand.
The pattern of movements of different animals is thoroughly discussed under Gait Of Animals in which animals like earthworms, snails, fish and others are covered. The chapter, Body Movements ends with a summary followed by a set of exercises with 4 different questions in the form of fill in the blanks, match the columns, true or false and descriptive questions. - NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 9 - The Living Organisms - Characteristics and Habitats
Science NCERT Grade 6, Chapter 9, The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings deals with different types of habitats and the organisms found in it. Explanation of different features of surroundings and the components of habitat is covered with numerous examples and activities in the chapter, The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings. Different kinds of habitat are also covered extensively along with examples. Basic characteristics of living organisms are explained in the form of questions with detailed explanations. These characteristics help in identifying things as living or non-living.
Examples, activities and figures enrich the chapter, The Living Organisms and Their Surroundings. A summary of the chapter followed by exercises containing 8 different questions is present at the end of the chapter. - NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 10 - Motion and Measurement of Distances
Science NCERT Grade 6, Chapter 10, Motion and Measurement of Distances includes a sectional explanation on means of transport, measurement of distances using different ways and means. Definition of the unit and insight into S.I. units are given along with activities and examples. The motion of the objects finds mention in the subsequent section along with its types. The motion of the object is classified into rectilinear, circular and periodic and is explained with suitable examples and figures in the chapter, Motion and Measurement of Distances.
Each section in the chapter, Motion and Measurement of Distances is supplemented with numerous definitions, examples, activities, and images which makes it more engaging. The chapter ends with a summary along with a set of exercises, mentioned at the end of the chapter so as to test the conceptual understanding. - NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 11 - Light, Shadows and Reflections
Science NCERT Grade 6, Chapter 11, Light, Shadows and Reflections deals with concepts related to light like luminous, transparent, opaque and translucent objects. Apart from this, the chapter covers topics like shadow and its characteristics which are explained with the help of suitable examples and activities. A detailed activity describing the working of a pinhole camera is also discussed in the chapter, Light, Shadows and Reflections. Finally, it deals with the concepts of mirrors and reflections enriched with activities and images making it more engaging.
All the important points of the chapter, Light, Shadows and Reflections are summarized at the end. Concepts of the chapter are tested with the help of exercises consisting of 4 different questions. - NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 12 - Electricity and Circuits
Science NCERT Grade 6, Chapter 9, Electricity and Circuits is all about electricity, and its associated theories and principles. Related concepts like - electric current, electric cell, electric switch are dealt extensively along with related activities, examples and diagrams making it more interesting. The concept of conductors and insulators is also taken into consideration in the chapter Electricity and Circuits. A short recap of important points is present at the end of the chapter, Electricity and Circuits in the form of the summary. The evaluation of the concepts is done through exercises consisting of 10 different questions in the form of fill in the blanks, true or false and descriptive questions which follow the summary.
- NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 13 - Fun with Magnets
Science NCERT Grade 6, Chapter 13, Fun with Magnets covers all basic fundamentals related to magnetism. Examples of magnetic and non-magnetic materials are discussed along with the concept of poles of magnet and working of a compass. Apart from this, the chapter, Fun with Magnets deals with the methods of making a magnet in a comprehensive manner. Explanation of attraction and repulsion by a magnet is also taken into consideration. Summarization of all important points is cited at the end of the chapter followed by exercises consisting of 10 different questions.
The entire chapter, Fun with Magnets is enriched with examples, activities and figures making it more readable. - NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 14 - Water
Science NCERT Grade 6, Chapter 14, Water deals with uses, importance and conservation of water. Details on topics like the water cycle, cloud formation, groundwater and rainwater harvesting are taken up under different sections. Situations like floods and droughts are also covered comprehensively. Ways and means to conserve water through methods like rooftop rainwater harvesting are discussed towards the end. This chapter, Water in a way tries to bring into light the growing problem of water scarcity and its after-effects. It tries to inculcate the need for water conservation by various methods. Numerous examples, activities and associated figures enrich the chapter, Water. All the important points are finally summarized followed by knowledge boosting exercises.
- NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 15 - Air Around Us
Science NCERT Grade 6, Chapter 15, Air Around Us as the name suggests, is all about air and its properties. Diagramatic representation of the composition of air is done using a pie chart showing different components of air. Subsequently, topic wise discussion on each component of air is covered in the chapter, Air Around Us. The flow of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is explained through activity and is represented with the help of a diagram. The chapter also contains a discussion on windmills and its various uses.
Each section is supplemented with numerous definitions, examples, activities, and images which makes it more engaging. The chapter, Air Around Us ends with a summary along with a set of exercises, mentioned at the end of the chapter so as to test the conceptual understanding.
- NCERT Solutions for Class 6 Science Chapter 16 - Garbage In, Garbage Out
Science NCERT Grade 6, Chapter 16, Garbage in, Garbage out deals with the basic concepts that a student would require to gain knowledge about waste generation, waste collection, waste segregation and waste disposal. Furthermore, it lays emphasis on reuse and recycling of waste materials. Adverse effects of improper waste disposal practices and ways to avoid such practices are mentioned in the chapter, Garbage in, Garbage out. Vermicomposting is discussed under a separate heading including an activity. Discussion on the advantages and drawbacks of using plastics finds mention in the last part of the chapter. The chapter, Garbage in, Garbage out ends with a summary along with a set of exercises, suggested project and activities mentioned at the end of the chapter so as to test the conceptual understanding.