Outcomes of Democracy
Democracy is a form of government that creates opportunities for the citizen to achieve their goals.
Democracy should produce a government that is both accountable and responsive to theneeds and expectations of the citizens
In a democracy, decisions are debated and negotiated upon. This makes them more acceptable and effective as compared to the other forms of government.
Important Board Paper Question
Q. "Democratic governments in practice are known as accountable." Support the statement with arguments.
Ans. Democratic government is accountable because of the following factors :
(i) A democracy makes sure that its people are the real sovereign and have the right to choose their rulers.
(ii) Whenever possible, citizens should participate in the decision-making process.
(iii) People also have the right to vent their grievances against the government. In this manner th…
(i) A democracy makes sure that its people are the real sovereign and have the right to choose their rulers.
(ii) Whenever possible, citizens should participate in the decision-making process.
(iii) People also have the right to vent their grievances against the government. In this manner th…
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