NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Science
NCERT Solutions are considered an extremely helpful resource for exam preparation. gives its users access to a profuse supply of NCERT questions and their solutions. CBSE Class 10 Science NCERT Solutions are created by experts of the subject, hence, sure to prepare students to score well. The questions provided in NCERT Books are prepared in accordance with CBSE, thus holding higher chances of appearing on CBSE question papers. Not only do these NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science strengthen students’ foundation in the subject, but also give them the ability to tackle different types of questions easily.
Our Class 10 Science textbook solutions give students an advantage with practical questions. These textbook solutions help students in exams as well as their daily homework routine. The solutions included are easy to understand, and each step in the solution is described to match the students’ understanding.
- NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 1 - Chemical Reactions and Equations
Science NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 1, Chemical Reactions and Equations covers the basic concepts associated with chemical reactions. The chapter lays emphasis on the various types of chemical reactions and their symbolic representation.
The chemical reactions discussed in the chapter, Chemical Reactions and Equations are combination reaction, decomposition reaction, displacement reaction, double displacement reaction and oxidation and reduction reaction. Each type of reaction is explained using suitable examples along with their applications in daily life. The concepts like corrosion and rancidity are also mentioned in the chapter, Chemical Reactions and Equations.
The entire discussion is supplemented with examples, activities and diagrammatic representation of the concepts.
Summarization of all the important points of the chapter is given at the end followed by exercises consisting of 20 different questions. - NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 2 - Acids, Bases and Salts
Science NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 2, Acids, Bases and Salts gives an insight into the properties of acids and bases and all the important reactions involved. The chapter covers the chemical properties of acids and bases along with appropriate examples. Emphasis is laid upon the reactions of acids and bases with metals, with each other and in water solution.
Apart from this, the chapter, Acids, Bases and Salts covers the explanation of the reaction of metal carbonates and metal hydrogen carbonates with acids and reaction of metallic oxides and non-metallic oxides with acids and bases respectively. The concept of pH is extensively covered along with its importance in daily life.
The chapter, Acids, Bases and Salts deals with the concept of salts and important chemicals like washing soda, baking soda etc. and their uses. The properties of crystals of salts are also covered in the chapter. The chapter is filled with many examples, activities and diagrams making the chapter more readable. A recap of all the important points of the chapter, Acids, Bases and Salts is presented at the end of the discussion followed by a set of questions to assess the understanding of the concept. - NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 3 - Metals and Non-metals
Science NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 3, Metals and Non-metals as the name suggests, deals with the concepts associated with the physical and chemical properties of metals and non-metals. The chapter covers the physical properties of metals and non-metals and classifies them on the basis of few properties like lustre, ductility, malleability, conductivity etc.
The chapter, Metals and Non-metals successfully quench the curiosity over questions like how do metals react when burnt in air, the action of steam on metals, the action of water on metals etc. The concepts like reactivity series, electronic configuration of elements, properties of ionic compounds, extraction of metals are explained in detail along with suitable examples and activities.
The chapter, Metals and Non-metals also include topics such as refining of metals, corrosion of metals and its prevention. Summarization of all the important points of the chapter is mentioned at the end.
The assessment of understanding of the concept of the chapter is done through exercises consisting of different questions. - NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 4 - Carbon and its Compounds
Science NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 4, Carbon and its Compounds is all about the importance of carbon in day to day life. The significance of carbon is explained by discussing its physical and chemical properties along with other important concepts associated with carbon. The concept of the formation of the covalent bond is covered in the chapter, Carbon and its Compounds. Apart from this, allotropes of carbon and organic compounds are explained in detail.
Subsequently, the chapter, Carbon and its Compounds lays emphasis on the saturated and unsaturated carbon compounds. The chemical properties of carbon compounds like combustion, oxidation, addition and substitution are discussed in detail. Important compounds like ethanol and ethanoic acids are also mentioned in the chapter, Carbon and its Compounds. The concept of soaps and detergents is also covered thoroughly. The chapter contains examples, diagrams, activities and chemical equations wherever required to make the concepts easier to understand.
The chapter consists of a summary of the discussion followed by a set of questions to test the basic understanding of the chapter, Carbon and its Compounds. - NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 5 - Periodic Classification of Elements
Science NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 5, Periodic Classification of Elements covers the fundamentals associated with the classification of elements. The chapter talks about different methods to classify the elements. The methods of classification of elements like Dobereiner triads and Newland's law of orders are discussed.
Apart from this, Mendeleev's periodic table classifying the elements on the basis of their atomic mass is taken into consideration. The achievements and drawbacks of the Mendeleev's classification are mentioned in the chapter, Periodic Classification of Elements.
Subsequently, the focus is given on the concepts involved in the modern periodic table. Explanation of the trends in the modern periodic table along with the position of elements is covered in a comprehensive manner. Each section is supplemented with ample examples and activities along with diagrammatic representation. Every section ends with a set of few questions to test the topic wise understanding of the chapter, Periodic Classification of Elements. All the important points of the discussion are summarized at the end of the chapter.
Overall assessment of the chapter is done through exercises consisting of questions such as MCQs and descriptive questions. - NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 6 - Life Processes
Science NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 6, Life Processes as the name suggests covers the important processes involved in the proper functioning of living organisms. The concept of nutrition is explained in detail along with a note on the autotrophic and heterotrophic mode of nutrition in case of animals and plants. The significant processes like respiration, transpiration and excretion in humans and other organisms are explained thoroughly with the help of schematic view of each system. Apart from this, the importance of each of the above life processes is also included in the discussion. The terms like dental caries, artificial kidneys and organ donation are also mentioned in the chapter, Life Processes.
Each section is enriched with examples, activities and figures making it more interactive. A set of few questions at the end of each section checks the understanding of the concepts. The chapter, Life Processes ends with a summary. Conceptual knowledge of the chapter is tested with the help of exercises consisting of 13 questions in the form of MCQs and descriptive questions. - NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 7 - Control and Coordination
Science NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 7, Control and Coordination lays emphasis on one of the vital biological systems called the nervous system. The important aspects related to coordinated and controlled movements in plants and animals are covered under different topics of the chapter. The entire mechanism of the human brain is explained with the help of its diagrammatic representation.
Important parts of the human brain like neuron and the neuromuscular junction is also shown in the chapter, Control and Coordination. The controlled and coordinated response in case of plants is also covered in detail in the chapter. The concept of hormones is also included in the chapter, Control and Coordination. Each section is supplemented with ample examples and activities along with diagrammatic representation.
Every section ends with a set of few questions to test the topic wise understanding of the chapter, Control and Coordination. All the important points of the discussion are summarized at the end of the chapter. Overall assessment of the chapter is done through exercises consisting of 13 different questions such as MCQs and descriptive questions. - NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 8 - How do Organisms Reproduce
Science NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 8, How do Organisms Reproduce? covers the fundamentals associated with the process of reproduction in plants and animals. The chapter, How do Organisms Reproduce? talks about the modes of reproduction in single organisms like yeast and mould and multicellular organisms.
The process of reproduction, such as fission, regeneration, fragmentation, budding, vegetative propagation and spore formation is explained with the help of suitable examples. Sexual reproduction in case of plants and animals are separately and extensively covered in the chapter along with the diagrammatic representation of the reproductive parts of plants and animals.
Each section is supplemented with examples and activities along with labelled diagrams. Every section ends with a set of few questions to test the topic wise understanding of the chapter, How do Organisms Reproduce? All the important points of the discussion are summarized at the end of the chapter. Overall assessment of the chapter, How do Organisms Reproduce? is done through exercises consisting of questions such as MCQs and descriptive questions. - NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 9 - Heredity and Evolution
Science NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 9, Heredity and Evolution gives an insight into the concepts of variations and evolution of species. The concepts such as accumulation of variation during reproduction, creation of diversity over succeeding generations and inherited traits are covered in detail.
Apart from this, Mendel's rules of inheritance of traits are also explained. The process of sex determination of a child is extensively covered along with suitable diagrams.
Moreover, the chapter, Heredity and Evolution lays emphasis on the concepts of the evolution of species, Darwin’s theory of evolution of species and molecular phylogeny. The term speciation is defined in the chapter. Each section is supplemented with ample examples and activities along with diagrammatic representation. Every section ends with a set of few questions to test the topic wise understanding of the chapter, Heredity and Evolution.
All the important points of the discussion are summarized at the end of the chapter. Overall assessment of the chapter, Heredity and Evolution is done through exercises consisting of 12 different questions such as MCQs and descriptive questions. - NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 10 - Light - Reflection and Refraction
Science NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 10, Light - Reflection and Refraction deals with the phenomena of reflection of light and refraction of light using the straight-line propagation of light. The chapter, Light-Reflection and Refraction cover the understanding of some optical phenomenon in nature. The concept of reflection and refraction of light and their applications in the real world is explained using examples and diagrams. The image formation of objects is presented in the form of ray diagrams for spherical mirrors as well as spherical lenses. The terms like diffraction of light and optical densities are also mentioned in the chapter. Focus is given on the power of lenses.
Each concept contains formula and solved numericals so as to make the understanding of the concept clearer. Every section ends with a set of few questions to test the topic wise understanding of the chapter, Light-Reflection and Refraction. All the important points of the discussion are summarized at the end of the chapter. Overall assessment of the chapter, Light-Reflection and Refraction is done through exercises consisting of 17 questions in the form of MCQs, numerical and descriptive questions. - NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 11 - The Human Eye and the Colourful World
Science NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 11, Human Eye and Colourful World talks about some of the optical phenomena in nature and discusses few natural phenomena like rainbow formation, twinkling of stars, blue colour of the sky, redness of the sun during sunrise and sunset etc. Apart from this, the concepts like Tyndall effect, scattering of light and dispersion of light is also covered in the chapter. A detailed and diagrammatic explanation of the human eye is included. Important parts of the human eye like pupil, cornea, retina, iris etc are explained along with their importance.
The chapter, Human Eye and Colourful World discusses the three defects of vision - myopia, hypermetropia and presbyopia along with its correction using lenses. Every section ends with a set of few questions to test the topic wise understanding of the chapter, Human Eye and Colourful World. All the important points of the discussion are summarized at the end of the chapter. Overall assessment of the chapter is done through exercises consisting of 13 questions in the form of MCQs, numerical and descriptive questions. - NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 12 - Electricity
Science NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 12, Electricity gives an insight into the phenomenon of flow of electric current and heating effects of electric current along with its applications. The chapter, Electricity focuses on the concepts like electric circuit, electric potential and potential difference, Ohm’s law, electrical resistivity, resistance in series and parallel and Joule’s heating. Apart from this, the concept of electric power is also discussed.
Each section of the chapter, Electricity is supplemented with ample examples and activities along with diagrammatic representation wherever required. Every section ends with a set of few questions to test the topic wise understanding of the concepts. All the important points of the discussion are summarized at the end of the chapter. Overall assessment of the chapter, Electricity is done through exercises consisting of questions such as MCQs, numericals and descriptive questions.
- NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 13 - Magnetic Effects of Electric Current
Science NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 13, Magnetic Effects of Electric Current deals with the fundamentals associated with the phenomenon of magnetic effects of electric current. The chapter focuses on the study about electromagnets and an electric motor which involves the magnetic effect of electric current and electric generators which involves the electric effect of moving magnets. Focus is given on the explanation of the magnetic field in a straight conductor, in a circular loop and in a solenoid carrying electric current.
The concept of electromagnetic induction is also taken into consideration in the chapter, Magnetic Effects of Electric Current.
Understanding of each concept covered in the chapter is enriched with the help of examples, activities, figures and circuit diagrams wherever required. The numerical questions following each section make the understanding of the concepts clearer. All the important parts of the discussion are presented at the end of the discussion in the form of a summary. The chapter, Magnetic Effects of Electric Current includes a set of 18 different questions in the form of MCQs, numericals, short answer questions and long answer questions to assess the overall understanding of the concepts. - NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 14 - Sources of Energy
Science NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 14, Sources of Energy goes a little deeper into the concepts associated with conventional and non-conventional sources of energy. A detailed discussion on conventional sources of energy under the topics of fossil fuels, thermal power plant and hydropower plant is given in the chapter. The concepts of conventional sources of energy are explained under solar energy, geothermal energy, nuclear energy and energy from the sea.
Additional information on nuclear fission is provided. Apart from this, the chapter, Sources of Energy mentions some of the features of a good source of energy. Each section is supplemented with ample of examples and activities along with diagrammatic representation. Every section ends with a set of few questions to test the topic wise understanding of the chapter, Sources of Energy. All the important points of the discussion are summarized at the end of the chapter. Overall assessment of the chapter, Sources of Energy is done through exercises consisting of 10 different questions such as MCQs and descriptive questions. - NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 15 - Our Environment
Science NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 15, Our Environment focuses on the interaction of various organisms in the ecosystem. Apart from this, the chapter talks about the impact of human activities on the environment. A detailed discussion on food chains and food webs is covered with the help of diagrammatic representation. The flow of energy in the ecosystem is explained in the chapter, Our Environment. The terms like biological magnification and trophic levels are also explained.
The chapter, Our Environment also mentions the biotic and abiotic components of the ecosystem along with their role in the ecosystem. Each section is enriched with examples, activities and figures making it more interactive. A set of few questions at the end of each section checks the understanding of the concepts. The chapter, Our Environment ends with a summary. Conceptual knowledge of the chapter is tested with the help of exercises consisting of 9 questions in the form of MCQs and descriptive questions. - NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 16 - Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
Science NCERT Grade 10, Chapter 16, Sustainable Management of Natural Resources is all about the need to use the natural resources in a judicious manner. The chapter discusses some of the natural resources and how humans use them. Natural resources like forests, wildlife, water, coal and petroleum are covered. Focus is also given on the issues at stake in deciding the way in which the resources must be managed for sustainable development. Apart from this, the input from traditional practices is also covered in the chapter.
Each section of the chapter, Sustainable Management of Natural Resources is supplemented with ample examples and activities along with diagrammatic representation wherever required. Every section ends with a set of few questions to test the topic wise understanding of the concepts. All the important points of the discussion are summarized at the end of the chapter. Overall assessment of the chapter, Sustainable Management of Natural Resources is done through exercises consisting of questions such as MCQs, numerical and descriptive questions.