Rational Numbers
Concepts Related to Rational Numbers
You have studied fractional numbers in your earlier classes. Some examples of fractional numbers are.
These numbers are also known as rational numbers.
What comes first to your mind when you hear the word rational?
Yes,you are right. It is something related to the ratios.
The ratio 4:5 can be written as, which is a rational number. In ratios, the numerator and denominator both are positive numbers while in rational numbers, they can be negative also.
Thus, rational numbers can be defined as follows.
“Any number which can be expressed in the form , where p and q are integers and, is called a rational number.” |
For example, is a rational number in which the numerator is 15 and the denominator is 19.
Now, is −34 a rational number?
Yes, it is a rational number. −34 can be written as. It is in the form of and q ≠ 0.
Thus, we can say that every integer is a rational number.
Now, consider the following decimal numbers.
1.6, 3.49, and 2.5
These decimal numbers are also rational numbers as these can be written as
If in a rational number, either the numerat…
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